
Two Pieces of Juilliard History

Martha Hill, the founding director of the Dance Division, was on the Juilliard faculty from 1951 until her death, in 1995. She’s shown with some of her students at an alumni dinner given in honor of the graduating class on May 26, 1959, in the Juilliard cafeteria. In July, Hill was profiled in Dance Teacher Magazine; the story details her legacy in championing dance in higher education, and, most notably, in saving the dance program at Juilliard in 1968.

(Photo by Ray Pierce)

Do any readers have an idea of who these actors are or what the production was?

(Photo by Jessica Katz)


Do you recognize any of the students in the photo? Have Martha Hill memories you want to share? Let us know at journal@juilliard.edu or at (212) 799-5000, ext. 340. (Here are some answers!)

We’re still curious about who’s in the mystery photo of a drama production (below). Do any readers have an idea of who these actors are or what the production was? http://Let us know! Thanks.

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