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Recent Deaths in the Juilliard Community
The Juilliard community mourns the passing of the following individuals:
Warren A. Abrahamson (B.S. ’63, voice)
Bruce E. Becker (’61, dance)
Sidney Bowden (B.S. ’38, public school music)
C.E. Carhart (B.S. ’48, trombone)
Lois O. Carter (’54, voice)
David R. Murphy (B.S. ’55, trombone)
Victor A. Tallarico (Pre-College ’29; Diploma ’36, piano)
Warren G. Wilson (B.S. ’59, M.S. ’60, piano)
Andrew J. Wright (B.S. ’49, trombone)
Chester Wolenski (’58, dance)
Stanley August
Edgar M. Cullman
Eleanor Cazaglis
Joan Dorfman
Nancy D. Field
Leo Greenland
Charles Hollerith
John C. Honey
Arthur Laurents
Beulah E. Monke
George Riordan
Evelyn Roberts
Joseph R. Siphron
Ruth Sturm
Ginette Wachtel
Virginia J. Wagner