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Who's In This Mystery Photo?

Who are these hardworking Juilliard musicians? If you know, please tell us at or (212) 799-5000, ext. 340. For answers, see the March Missing in Caption.


The December-January Missing in Caption featured a photo of late faculty member and famed composer Elliott Carter with two young men. Evening Division faculty member Conrad Cummings wrote that “the fellow seen in profile to the right of Elliott Carter is definitely Tod Machover” (B.M. ’75, M.M. ’77, composition). William Schimmel (B.M. ’69, M.S. ’70, D.M.A. ’73, composition) reported that the other student, to Carter’s left, is the late Howard Harris (B.S. ’71, composition). (Harris, he noted, was married to Lauren Persichetti, the daughter of longtime faculty member Vincent Persichetti.)

Former faculty member Elizabeth Keen and Pablo Piantino (B.F.A. ’99) contacted us about the November Missing in Caption.

And we received a few more names of the people in the October mystery photo, of Josef Raieff and his students. Thanks to Margaret Pocsik (B.M. ’66, piano), Helen Benham (M.S. ’65, piano), and Anita Rae Garriott (B.M. ’70, clarinet) for getting in touch with us. Many thanks to everyone who contacted us!

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