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Bowdoin Festival Appreciated

I am sure Juilliard needs no reminder of [violin faculty member and alumnus] Lewis Kaplan’s work and accomplishments, but I wanted to express my gratitude to him for what he has given to me in the last two summers. I don’t believe in bucket lists, but if I did, he would have completed most of mine—all thanks to his Bowdoin International Music Festival. In the summer of 2013, I was able to hear the six works for solo violin of Bach, played by Midori; in the summer of 2014, I was able to hear all of Beethoven’s quartets, played by the Brentano, the Pacifica, the Shanghai, and the Ying Quartets—all half an hour from my home. I am still in awe.


Richard Roberts (B.S. ’56, M.S. ’57, piano); professor emeritus of music, University of New England; Portland, Me.

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