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This month, James Levine (Diploma ’63, orchestral conducting) returns to Juilliard to conduct this year’s Juilliard-Metropolitan Opera co-production. In April 1979, Levine took part in the master class in this photo. Do any of you recognize any of the other people in the photo or can you tell us anything about the master class? Let us know at or (212) 799-5000, ext. 340.
The mystery dancer in the December-January Missing in Caption photo has been identified: Carol Lipman Levitt-Fischer (’61, dance) appears on the left with Pina Bausch (’60, dance) and Koert Stuyf (’61, dance). Thanks to Levitt Fischer (who writes that she’s now happily retired) and Jennifer Masley Predock-Linnell (’60, dance) for contacting us. Predock-Linnell, a professor emeritus in the department of theater and dance at the University of New Mexico, noted that the piece was Antony Tudor’s A Choreographer’s Comment and that “Pina, Chieko Kikuchi [Nakagawa (B.S. ’61, dance)], and myself were the principal dancers.” Levitt-Fischer commented that Tudor choreographed the arabesque section for her.