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Who’s In This Mystery Photo?

A lot of completely unidentified drama pictures—including this one (pictured) by Jessica Katz—recently surfaced. Can any readers tell us who these alums are or what the production is?

May Missing in Caption
(Photo by Jessica Katz)


And the jury’s still out on who the pianist is in the April photo, from 1972. If you have a conjecture, contact us at or (212) 799-5000, ext. 340.

Meanwhile, we have another theory about the February mystery photo. David Friedman (B.S. ’67, M.S. ’68, percussion) wrote to tell us he thinks the conductor on the podium next to James Levine (Diploma ’63, orchestral conducting) at a master class is Dennis Russell Davies (B.M. ’66, piano; M.S. ’68, D.M.A. ’72, orchestral conducting).

Ramón Rivera (’65, dance) and Shirley Roby (’64, dance) both emailed us to say they thought that the male dancer with Jennifer Muller (B.S. ’67, dance; center) in the March Missing in Caption photo might have been Dave Taylor (’65, dance).

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