
Discovering the Art of Composing


What do composers do all day? How do they find inspiration? How do they work? Those were some of the questions that inspired us in putting together this issue of The Journal. To find some answers, we talked to two composers on the staff—professor Tom Cabaniss and Joseph Rubinstein, the coordinator of the composition department. Editorial assistant Joshua Simka also interviewed 13 students  whose works will be performed this month, and we followed one of them, Anne Wang, for a day to really get a feel for what it’s like to be a composition student. After reading about their processes, their inspirations, and their pieces, you’ll be able to hear the results at concerts on April 12 (Juilliard Jazz Ensembles), 20 (Wednesdays at One), 21 (New Juilliard Ensemble), and 28 (Juilliard Orchestra).


Over the past few months, we went behind the scenes in another creative process—we followed the development of the costumes for Cavalli’s La Calisto, which Juilliard Opera presented in February. The costumes were truly fabulous!

For more than 90 percent of Juilliard students, honing their craft here wouldn’t be possible without financial support. Victoria Brand, Juilliard’s associate director of scholarship development, describes the newest gifts. You’ll also find a preview of the Juilliard gala, which takes place at the end of the month.

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