
In the May Journal, we published a photo of a Literature and Materials of Music class taught by William Bergsma (faculty 1946-63) and asked readers if they could identify any of the students in this photo (Impact Photos). Here are two possibilities:
Donald Nold (B.S. ’51, M.S. ’52, piano) told us that he is the person all the way at the end of the desks on the right side (thick-rimmed glasses, argyle socks); that Andrew Svilokos (Diploma ’55, Postgraduate Diploma ’60, B.S. ’65, M.S. ’66, violin) is the furthest to the right in the photo (in front of the window); and that the man sitting at the piano could be R. Mitchell Andrews (B.S. ’51, M.S. ’53, piano).
Edward Shipwright (B.S. ’59, M.S. ’61, piano; faculty 1961-69) wrote, “I have been in touch with an L&M classmate, Isabel Berg Schwartz (Pre-College ’57; B.S. ’60, M.S. ’61, piano), and we agree that we are in the picture of Mr. Bergsma’s class: Isabel is the good-looking blonde under the clock, slightly to the right, and I am on her left.” Shipwright joined the University of Hawaii piano faculty in September 1970 and was made a professor emeritus when he retired, in 2000.