
Dance Ensemble Premieres Sokolow's "Odes" (1965); America Opera 40th Anniversary (1985)

The following events in Juilliard’s history occurred in February:

Salvatore Champagne and Ning Lang in Albert Herring

Salvatore Champagne in the title role and Ning Liang as his mother in the 1987 production of Albert Herring.

(Photo by Beth Bergman)


 February 22, Joseph Fuchs (Diploma ’20, violin) performed Nicolò Paganini’s Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 6, in a public recital given by students of the Institute of Musical Art, Juilliard’s predecessor institution. Fuchs taught at Juilliard from 1946 until his death in 1997.

February 12, the Juilliard Dance Ensemble premiered Anna Sokolow’s Odes, set to three compositions by Edgard Varèse: Octandre, Density 21.5, and Poème Electronique. Jorge Mester (B.S. ’57, M.S. ’58, orchestral conducting) conducted the chamber ensemble, and Virginia Sindelar (B.M. ’64, M.S. ’65, flute) was soloist for the duet danced by Lee Wagner (B.S. ’67, dance) and Lance Westergard (’67, dance). Also among the cast were Eric Hampton (Diploma ’68, dance) and current faculty member Linda Kent (B.S. ’68, dance).

February 18, 20, and 22, Juilliard’s American Opera Center presented a 40th-anniversary production of Benjamin Britten’s Albert Herring conducted by Andreas Delfs (M.M. ’86, orchestral conducting) with staging by Cynthia Auerbach (Pre-College ’54, piano). Delfs conducted from the piano, as had Britten at the 1947 premiere at Glyndebourne. David Lloyd,  director of the opera department from 1985 to 1988, performed the role of Albert Herring in the U.S. premiere at the Tanglewood Music Festival in 1949; for Juilliard’s 1987 production, the part was double cast with Salvatore Champagne (’88, voice) and John Daniecki (’87, voice).

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