The Juilliard Community Sounds Off on the Election

To find out what members of the Juilliard community are thinking about the current political climate, The Journal decided to devote the November Points of View pages to the presidential election and to open up this month’s Soundboard column—normally reserved solely for students—to faculty, staff, and alumni too. We asked what your issues are and whether the candidates are addressing them, and also what questions you’d ask the candidates if you had a chance. Answers are excerpted below; thanks to everyone who took the time to share their opinions. 

We also wondered how people are getting their information about the election. Not surprisingly, many responders were turning to traditional outlets: major newspapers and magazines (especially The New York Times, The New Yorker, and The Washington Post), plus network news, PBS, CNN, and NPR. Other trusted sources include the news site The Huffington Post, the Democratic and Republican National Committees’ Web sites, the site Real Clear Politics, and Foreign Affairs. And some respondents were also making a point of tuning in to more partisan sources (Fox News in particular) to find out what people they don’t agree with are saying. 

Comments? Questions? Submit them online or e-mail us at

Anthony Lioi

Anthony Lioi

The way we talk about politics makes some people invisible, some problems intractable. We cannot let the parties’ ...More
Maggie Segale

Magdalyn Segale

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