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If you could be a character in a book, movie, or play, which would you be and why?

Goku from Dragon Ball Z because he’s in touch with his inner and outer powers. — Tyrien Obahnjoko, fourth-year actor



Batman because he does what’s right no matter what. — Armand Ranjbaran, fourth-year composer


Sam Worthington from Avatar. He transforms the world around him as he becomes a leader, lover, and exile. — Raymond Pinto, second-year dancer


Henry Fonda from 12 Angry Men ’cause he’s a gangster. — Will Reardon-Anderson, second-year master’s jazz student


I would be Tara from True Blood (the movie version) because she doesn’t filter anything, she’s honest, protective, and such a firecracker. — Joaquina Kalukango, fourth-year actor


I would be Bizet’s Carmen, because she’s Carmen. — Carolyn Smith, third-year actor



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