
A ’40s or ’50s Dance Mystery Photo



This mystery photo may even predate the Dance Division! The division opened in 1951, though dance began being taught here long before that. This photo of “Bill A.” was taken on the roof of the Juilliard building on Claremont Avenue in the late 1940s or early 1950s by a photographer named Rama who studied in the Extension Division. Please let us know if you have any information about this photo—or if you danced at Juilliard before there was a Dance Division—at journal@juilliard.edu or (212) 799-5000, ext. 340.

Several alums identified the percussionists in the December-January mystery photo as Greg Landes (B.M. ’87, M.M. ’89) in the foreground, Dean Thomas (B.M. ’90, M.M. ’92), and, mostly obscured Paul Hostetter (M.M. ’89). Thanks to Jeffrey Milarsky (BM ’88, MM ’90, percussion; faculty), Phyllis Jo Kubey (MM ’83, voice), Jack Schatz (’85, bass trombone), Kathy Canfield Shepard (MM ’89, French horn), Kristen Linfante (Pre-College ’85; BM ’89, MM ’91, viola), and Robert Helmacy (Diploma ’66, trumpet) for being in touch.

The November Time Capsule featured a photo of former drama faculty member Marian Seldes and two poetry students. Many thanks to Roger Anderson (Group 16), Diana Burke (Group 14), Steve Irish (Group 14), and Wendell Pierce (Group 14) who identified the student reading from the script as John Cutler (Group 14). Burke, Irish, and Pierce thought the other student in the photo might be Melissa Gallagher (Group 14); Juliet Pritner (Group 14) thought she was the one.

Thanks also to Madeleine Gill (Group 12), who contacted us to identify herself and her classmates in one of the photos that accompanied the obituary of Marian Seldes (November Journal). The photo, from 1981, depicted second-year poetry students who were reading, Gill recalled, from T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland, one of Seldes’s favorite poems. Pictured from left: Christian Baskous, Don Fisher (with hat), Greg Welch, Marc Diamond, Gill, Ving Rhames, and Seldes.

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