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Recent Deaths in the Juilliard Community


The Juilliard community mourns the passing of the following:



Ralph Berkowitz (’28, music theory)
Robert M. Cecil (B.S. ’49, French horn)
John D. Chrisman (B.S. ’48, M.S. ’49, piano)
Ray R. Jordan (’63, piano)
Robert E. Lipsey (Pre-College ’42, piano)
Paul F. Liljestrand (B.S. ’52, M.S. ’53, piano)
Charles L. Parsley (B.S. ’63, M.S. ’64, piano)
Ruth Roberts (Pre-College ’42, piano)
Ramona M. Rockway (Diploma ’40, voice)
George Sementovsky (Diploma ’53, piano)
James A. Simmons (’46, double bass)
Alice Sirooni (Diploma ’39, Postgraduate Diploma ’42, piano)
Howard M. Stein (’45, piano)
Charles G. Wendt (B.S. ’60, cello)
Frederick H. Williams (B.S. ’43, organ)

Former Faculty and Staff
Louise M. Behrend (B.S. ’40, music theory, Fellowship ’42, violin)
Elizabeth Brummett
June Dunbar
Rosetta Goodkind  (Diploma ’38, piano)
Bernard Greenhouse (’39, cello)
Giorgio Tozzi

Abraham Amsilay
Robert Immerman
Grace Kahn
Charles Newman
Sheldon D. Sax
Geraldine Wein