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Who's In This Mystery Photo?

Who are these woodwind players?! We’re assuming this uncaptioned photo by Bonnie Geller was taken in the mid-1980s, but if you know the exact year—or who these students are—please e-mail us at or call us at (212) 799-5000, ext. 340. For answers, see the May 2012 issue of The Journal.


Last month’s Missing in Caption photo depicted two dancers studying. Turns out that Karen Richards Chodash (B.F.A. ’90, dance) is the dancer on the right (listening to her Walkman) and Tina Curran (B.F.A. ’90, dance) is lying down on the left; both assumed that the photo was taken in their first year. Thanks to Chodash, Curran, Stacey Aswad (B.F.A. ’90, dance), Lina Bahn (B.M. ’89, violin), Paul Dennis (B.F.A. ’90, dance), Jill Balzer Walters (B.F.A. ’92, dance), and Elizabeth McPherson (B.F.A. ’90, dance) who all contacted us to identify them!

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