
New Funds Help Young Artists


Scholarship Support

Nearly 90 percent of Juilliard students qualified for scholarship support this year.

 (Photo by Hiroyuki Ito)

Nearly 90 percent of Juilliard students qualified for scholarship support this year. All are grateful for the generosity of the donors, and many have had the opportunity to meet and get to know their benefactors (see Day in the Life). This year, Juilliard is honored to welcome 15 new permanently endowed funds, which will provide robust scholarship resources for generations of our students.


The Estate of Celia Ascher provided funding for full-tuition scholarships for Juilliard's doctoral and Artist Diploma candidates, with the recipients to be known as the Celia Ascher Fellows. This extraordinary support is complementary to the Celia and Joseph Ascher Fund for Piano, scholarships that Celia Ascher endowed in 2008.

The Nina Carasso Scholarship, benefitting French and Spanish students at Juilliard, is the result of a $1 million grant from the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso in Paris, and reflects a longstanding relationship between the Carasso family and Juilliard.

The Steve Reich Fellowship for Artist Diploma in Music—In Honor of Ellsworth Kelly was endowed with a $1 million gift from Jack Shear and honors two extraordinary artists: Shear's late husband, the renowned American artist Ellsworth Kelly, and their friend Steve Reich ('61, composition).

The THOBA Corporation Scholarship was endowed with a generous bequest in memory of Thomas Bates from the Estate of George M. Stone, his nephew. A Missouri native, Stone was an amateur pianist, and his gift will benefit generations of Juilliard pianists.

Silvio Wahl endowed the Lilli Jank Memorial Scholarships in Vocal Arts and Drama in memory of his mother, Lilli Jankelowitz, who'd been a singer and actress in Karlsruhe, Germany, before she died at the Ravensbrück concentration camp in 1944.

The Lynn J. Noble Scholarship is the generous gift of a California-based benefactor to provide support for Juilliard's classical music students. Noble enthusiastically endorses the school's mission statement and goals and hopes to financially assist as many of its talented young musicians as possible.

The Jean Dubinsky Appleton Scholarship will be awarded to a first-year student who is a resident of New York City, and it will continue, throughout the recipient's successive years of study at Juilliard. It is named for an arts patron who founded the jewelry history department at the Fashion Institute of Technology and the American Society of Jewelry Historians and who was the daughter of pioneering labor leader David Dubinsky.

The George B. Bryant Scholarship came through a generous bequest from the Estate of George B. Bryant (BS '61, MS '62, piano), a member of the music commission of the Archdiocese of New York and a longtime church organist and music director.

Janet Pinto endowed the Thomas K. Pinto Scholarship, an award for trombone students, in memory of her husband, who received his bachelor's and master's degrees, in trombone, from Juilliard and was an orchestra director, composer, and teacher.

The Armando Ghitalla Foundation provides generous support in the name of the late Armando Ghitalla (BS '49, trumpet), a longtime member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The Armando Ghitalla Award in Trumpet also contains provision for the recipient to receive a prize at the time of his or her graduation recital.

Allen Maniker (BFA '77, dance), who has had distinguished careers in dance and as a neurosurgeon, endowed the Maniker Men's Dance Scholarship in gratitude for the training and support he received at Juilliard.

Dale Zand endowed the Charlotte Ross Zand Scholarship in Piano in memory of his wife, who received her Diploma from Juilliard in 1946 and then had a long career as a pianist and accompanist in the New York area while raising five children.

Lorna Doan, a resident of Vancouver Island and a lifelong lover of piano and opera, endowed the Lorna “Dee” Doan Scholarship for female music students with preference for singers.

The Loo Yuin How Yin (Class of 1938) Scholarship has been funded as an endowed and a current award by Robert and George Yin, respectively, in memory of their mother, who studied piano at Juilliard.

The Pre-College Division has a new award, the Milton Kraus Memorial Piano Scholarship, endowed by Milton and Joan Lichtman, in memory of her longtime teacher Milton Kraus (Diploma '26, piano). Juilliard is also home to an award for percussion students in the College Division, the Philip C. Kraus Scholarship, established by the Kraus family. Philip Kraus, who received his timpani diploma in 1938, was Milton's brother.

In addition to the new permanently endowed funds, Juilliard has also received several generous current-use scholarship gifts from individuals and from those who thoughtfully provided for the school through their estate planning. One major new award is the gift of Marcelline Thomson in memory of her sister. The Theodora J. Nichols Piano Scholarship will provide current scholarship support for master's level piano students; each recipient will also be eligible to receive a postgraduate career grant.

Susanne Ellis, who often attends Juilliard performances, established two scholarships for musicians—the Susanne D. Ellis Scholarship and the Ruth Deutsch Scholarship, which is in memory of her sister.

The Isabel Stewart Cunningham Scholarship, which memorializes a New Yorker who loved music and took Evening Division classes at Juilliard, was provided by her four children. The Martha Binns and Zenia Brandt Scholarship is a tribute to the mothers of Katherine Binns and Peter Brandt.

The Ruth Broder Trust provided a large bequest for the Ruth and Alan Broder Scholarship, which is designated for French horn students. The Marjorie Jackson Scholarship, designated for oboists, is the result of a charitable gift annuity established by this oboist, who received her Diploma in 1943. The Irene Worth Scholarship has been established with a gift from the Irene Worth Fund for Young Artists through her estate.

The Estate of Abraham Sheingold provided the Abraham Sheingold Voice Scholarship. The Emerick R. Bronson Scholarship, designated for dancers, came from the Estate of Mary Anthony, a noted modern dancer and choreographer. The Lee MacCormick Edwards Charitable Fund established the Dr. Lee MacCormick Edwards Scholarship for voice students in tribute to this Australian artist and art historian.

Juilliard welcomes the opportunity to discuss ways in which you can support our educational and artistic activities, including unrestricted gifts, currently funded or endowed scholarships, instrument donation, special project support, bequests, and other planned gifts.For more information, please call the Office of Development and Public Affairs at (212) 799-5000, ext. 278, or visit juilliard.edu/giving.

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