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What are you doing to deal with end-of-the-year stress?


Gordon Geiger
I’ve been doing yoga and making sure that I have time to sit down and read. Watch TV. Just keep myself distracted.
Jordan Geiger, fourth-year actor


Carmela Corbett
I’m making sure I have things to look forward to, like fun social events. I’m going out with my friends, throwing a party, things like that.
Carmela Corbett, fourth-year actor

Ernesto Breton
I try to take everything with a grain of salt. I also try to avoid staying inside the Juilliard bubble. By that, I mean that any free time I have, I try to go outside, ride my bike, or go to Riverside Park.
Ernesto Breton, third-year dancer

Gillian Abbott
I took a bath this morning as a pre-warm-up to my warm-up. 
Gillian Abbott, third-year dancer

Katya Gruzglina
I’ve been sleeping a lot. Whenever I get home, I just drink Sleepytime tea and it knocks me out. Or melatonin.
Katya Gruzglina, fourth-year singer

Nathanael Udell
When I’m stressed, I clean, and I have my senior recital and graduation concert coming up, so my room is pretty spotless.
Nathanael Udell, fourth-year French horn player

Tommy Mesa
I play basketball. A lot of basketball. And I call my friends from home.
Tommy Mesa, fourth-year cellist

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