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Which political or economic issue are you most concerned with?


Avery Waite
National funding for the arts is one of my main concerns. I heard that Mitt Romney intends to cut funding for the arts in half if he were to be elected.
Avery Waite, second-year master’s cellist 


Tom Datnow
The nuclear threat from Iran and North Korea. It’s terrifying to think that there’s a power out there with the capacity to be a serious threat.
Tom Datnow, third-year actor 

Eric Silberger
People don’t focus on issues or how policies about them would end up working—it’s just bipartisanship. 
Eric Silberger, first-year master’s violinist 

John Harnage
The education system: it’s a dysfunctional bureaucracy where nothing can get through. Teachers’ unions won’t allow the removal of bad teachers, and to have good education, we need to have better teachers. There needs to a reformation within the entire system.
John Harnage, second-year dancer 

Elizabeth Stutphen
I’m concerned about the declining job market in the nation and how that will affect the stimuli in the economy.
Elizabeth Stutphen, fourth-year singer 

Max Woertendyke

We’ve been at an impasse for so long in government, especially with split-down-the-middle Congresses, and this election has the potential to develop a conversation about the dynamic shift in American society.
Max Woertendyke, first-year actor 

Sam Lilja
The regulation of the economy by the government. The banks, mortgage lenders—those entities that manage our money and got us into the mess that we’re in—aren’t being held accountable.
Sam Lilja, third-year actor

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